What did I learn that increased my understanding of the kaupapa and pedagogy of the Manaiakalani Reading Programme ?
I learned about the history of 'Learn, Create, Share and how it came about from teachers using Literacy circles. I l also learned how podcasts can help to engage my students in reading and hook them in by showing them podcasts of league/rugby players who created podcasts about their favourite books.
What did I learn that could improve my capability and confidence in teaching reading?
I learned about the benefits of using the Teacher workbook to help centralise all of the formative and summative assessments & reading data gathered throughout the year for my class. It was also helpful to see how you can include your planning and next steps etc in the workbook too.
I found the learning and activities around LI's and SC's a helpful refresher. The activity where we had to manipulate and match up AO's. LI's and SC's was a challenge. Below is my attempt.
I also think having time to analyse our PAT Reading results and looking at the reason why some students may have chosen specific answers very beneficial. Having discussions about which types of questions and reading strategies for next steps to focus on was useful.
What did I learn that could be used with my learners?
How to use the Reading survey to help me with future planning e.g Readers interests in books.
The Ground rules for talk helped my students with their communication and how to be more effective and self evaluative when working together during guided reading lessons.
I learned how digital taskboards can be used as a valuable reading resource for students and how you can make connections/links back to the data from the teacher workbook and PAT next steps.
What did I learn that could be shared within my wider community, with either colleagues, or whānau/aiga?
I think the Reading survey would be helpful to share and could help teachers know their learners better and to know the different reading dispositions they have. This information could also be used in future reading planning.