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Guest Coach: Danni Stone Yr 7/8 teacher Pt England School, MDTA Alumni
Tuhi mai tuhi atu - A great way to buddy up with other classes from around NZ teachers connecting
- Put up a quick write and get kids to respond
-Take the leap and go for it re: Blogging. Build up traffic
Google class
+'s - Donating 100k to Manaiakalani, Wolf Fisher research -success in writng
Sessions: Content
Sessions: Content
- Good idea - Create a sham article and the real article
My garden site

- Time to reflect and share with colleagues
What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy? I learned about the importance of Visibility and how it can provide an opportunity for students to share what they have been learning & creating.
What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional? Tuhi mai tuhi atu is a great way to buddy up with other classes from around
NZ. It's about teachers in Manaiakalani connecting and sharing in the learning journey of teacher's
and students. -Take the leap and go for it re: Blogging. Build up traffic
- Learning how to make multi modal docs was so helpful.
What did I learn that could be used with my learners? - Put up a quick write and get kids to respond to one another on their blogs
- I learned how to create a Garden site and managed to: embed a slide, add a youtube video,
include an image and audio clip, insert text boxes
What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life? I learned how to use images from google images that are allowed to be used.
Hi Angie,
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad that you took so much away from the session! I look forward to seeing what you create with Clarelle next week!